Romi Kataria
4 min readJun 15, 2020

Why it is important to earn lots of money


There is a school of thought which says that one should have only that much money as is required for a comfortable living. It believes that money is the cause of all evils. Having too much money makes a person less humble and more materialistic. I have a different thought process to this which I would like to share with the readers.

I believe that we should have lots and lots of money. We should strive to make more money-preferably by legitimate ways. The motto should be maximum money and minimum needs. We should have a minimalistic attitude towards our worldly and materialistic needs. Then why do we need to earn lots of money? I will explain as follows:

Lots of money with minimum requirement means that you have enough money to spare.

There is a vast population of people which is deprived even of basic needs of life. Their day starts with a hope and ends in an un certainity. Earning two square meals is a task for them. By our spare money we have to empower these people. We don’t do a charity but uplift these people. We make them earn for themselves and enjoy at least the basics of life. They should find a purpose for their existence on this earth. How do we do that? We start philanthropic activities like cleaning of dirty and unattended areas where these people live, teach children who have no access to education, start hobby schools-which work commercially also- where these people could be imparted skills which makes them self sufficient. List is endless.These people could be deployed for cleaning their own habitation and paid in return.

If we as individuals are not able to carry out these activities-financially or otherwise-we should join hands with like minded people and pool our resources.

For too long we have been expecting the local governments to perform but they are financially sick, corrupt and lack the basic sense of governance.

Lots of money acts as a shield for us to not to be affected by dishonest and inefficient people. We are administered by thick skinned and inept leaders and law makers. They are very short sighted people who can not think beyond self. For me ,their corruption is tolerable-though not desirable-but their handling of issues is questionable and dangerous. More money insulates us from their bad decisions and poor governance. We can neglect these people and lead our life peacefully.

Lots of money allows us to live a life we strive for. It could be travelling far and wide, reading books of our choice and generally doing activities that make you happy. You are the sole owner of your time.

Lots of money generally gives you a feel good feeling. You start enjoying things in life which were neglected all the time like enjoying nature, going for a walk, mending your garden-activities that make you happy.

Attracting lots of money in your life is not a tough task. Only pre requisite is that we should be minimalistic, positive and have a refined thought process. Our endeavour should be to invest and not save. Saving is passé. Why save in banks which are nothing but a source of easy money for influential, greedy and un scrupulous people. Make investment a habit. Invest in money, invest in your body, invest in your soul, invest in the environment you live in, invest in your surroundings, invest in all good things of life. Invest should be the buzzword.

Remember that investment is a continuous process and has no end. Some investments like investment in mind, investment in body and investment in soul start giving early results. These positive results act as a catalyst for speeding up the return in investment in money. The focus should be to bring yourself at a level-spiritual, intellectual, monetary- where you are not influenced by these worthless people. This return on investment process keeps increasing gradually and your dependence on these people keeps reducing more than proportionally.

Let these useless and inefficient people govern and influence the people who do not invest. They have no place in our lives.

We should take care of things we can control and not bother about things which are out of our control. Lots of money increases the number of things we can control thus giving us better decision making opportunities.

Lots of money gives a feeling of satisfaction and allows us to indulge in activities that we are passionate about-not materialistic but investments in mind, body and soul.

As for me, I am regularly investing and growing richer by day. Though return in investment in money is still not fully realized but other returns are shaping me well. The influence of people I do not desire is decreasing day by day. I don’t spend much time on reading news in the newspaper and I stopped watching news on television long time back since I do not have faith in the authenticity of source.I believe rather than watching or reading news,we should read history since history repeats itself. So by judging today’s scenario and going back in history, we can easily find out what is coming next. I am a stoic and profoundly follow the stoicism dictum:”AMOR FETI”-which is a mindset that you take on for making the best out of anything that happens. Embrace every moment and not avoid it. To not only be okay with it but love it and be better with it.

Finally ,make earning a lot of money a habit, a passion. But at the same time be minimalistic and invest. Don’t wait for an opportune time since that will never come. Start doing it right away. And remember to invest in all field not just money.

If you find the idea fascinating, give it a huge round of applause and stay invested.

Romi Kataria

Romi Kataria
Romi Kataria

Written by Romi Kataria

Entrepreneur, Avid Reader & Nature lover

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